
No more room in hell guns
No more room in hell guns

no more room in hell guns

(Seeing how he dealt with The Evil Rich in Land of the Dead, it’s just as well.) Kind of odd in a movie praised for its attack on consumerism. Notice that of all the people Romero mocks in this movie there isn’t a single rich person.

no more room in hell guns

It’s not fair to bash Romero for this, I suppose, but his bashing of the working-class people who spent time in malls isn’t fair, either.

no more room in hell guns

I’ve been in big stores in several states, and they are invariably the most ethnically-diverse gathering places in those states. While malls as depicted here are vanishing today, they’re replaced by mega-stores like Wal-Mart. Why does any of that make these people worthy targets of criticism and parody as non-humans? The closest to the zombie types are teenagers, stammering through puberty and trying to figure out their lives. They go because they have to, because they buy things they need or don’t need, because it’s on their list of errands for the day. I’ve got news for the folks who praise the satire here: Most people who go to malls don’t like going to malls. When he sticks to gore and action, we’re in good hands. Romero indulges in the head-shaving stunt which is memorable. Ken Foree makes a terrific action hero, and his response to the tenement battle and his encounter with the zombie kids shows his character has dimensions beyond his abilities with weapons.

no more room in hell guns

They’re rednecks! What a bunch of morons! The brief refueling scene does better. There’s none of the compassion for the crazed residents of the tenement, or the objectivity of the TV station scenes. The second part is the gun-nut-and-military scene, showing that of course all white dudes with guns (civilian and military alike) are buffoons. The movie can be cut into three parts: the TV station and SWAT team assault being the first, the mall being the third. I’m not a MGTOW or alt right defender of the poor white guy who has to suffer while other people simply claim the rights they’ve always had an been denied for centuries, but neither do I think it’s fair to mock people whose worst sin is not being as smart as George Romero. Romero, like many who look down on blue collar Americans while pretending to some college poli-sci class-level of compassion for the working man and -woman, bashes the easiest target in America, the hick, the redneck (a word so many compassionate sorts toss around, unaware of just why it’s so insulting to people who work for a living). Some zombies are blue, some only have blue hands - a hilarious comment on American capitalist racism!

No more room in hell guns